Parkitect is coming to consoles on July 3rd!

It's been a long time coming, but it's finally happening:
Parkitect is launching on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series on July 3rd!

The regular price is USD 29.99 / 24.99€.

The port is developed by BlitWorks Games, who are known for porting and publishing console versions of indie games such as Super Meat Boy, They Are Billions, Spelunky 2 and Kingdoms and Castles.

Bringing Parkitect to consoles has been a long journey and not an easy feat. It's a big and complicated game, and apart from the technical challenges of getting the game to run at all the way the controls and UI work took a lot of thought since the PC version has clearly not been designed with gamepad controls in mind.
Thankfully BlitWorks took on the challenge and endured and we think the final result turned out really nice.

What are the differences between the console version and the PC version?

Parkitect: Deluxe Edition on consoles is roughly identical in content to the Parkitect Deluxe bundle we've got on PC, so it contains the additional campaign, rides and objects from both DLCs.
These features are missing compared to the PC version, mostly due to the restrictions of consoles:

  • modding
  • Steam Workshop equivalent (i.e. no sharing of ride blueprints and scenarios)
  • scenario editor
  • custom image banners and custom music speakers
  • multiplayer mode

In return the price of the console version is lower than the PC version.

What about Nintendo Switch?

We'd really like to see Parkitect released on Nintendo Switch but it's a pretty CPU-heavy game, so performance on this platform is a big challenge.
It's not ruled out yet entirely but the chances are very slim.

Are the console controls being added to the PC version? Would that be easy to do now?

Probably no. The PC and console versions are two separate and quite different programs due to all the changes that had to be made to get the game running on consoles, plus the console version is being developed by a different company, not by us.
So it's not as easy as enabling or copying over the controls from console to PC unfortunately.

Parkitect - Free Content Update

we've got a free content update for Parkitect today!

Late last year tristar from the Parkitect community suggested that we should hire him to update a bunch of old items to be recolorable, which we gladly did!
Over time the project grew a bit larger and now we've got a pretty nice update that also includes a good amount of new deco objects, two new entertainer costumes, and some wall and roof shapes to complete existing building sets.


  • a number of objects have been updated to be resizable
  • some objects have been updated to fit together more nicely
  • the water color on water rides can be changed now
  • running ad campaigns appear in the ongoing events list so you don't have to constantly check the ad campaign window
  • the attraction overview list can be sorted by average queue time

Have fun :)

Five years of Parkitect!

Parkitect 1.0 was released on November 29th 2018, which as it turns out is 5 years ago tomorrow!
It's a bit scary to think about because it doesn't feel that long ago, but it's also a good opportunity to celebrate a bit.

We'll host a livestream on Twitch and Steam where we'll play the game for some time. If you want to come hang out a bit with us that'd be fun!

Parkitect 5th Birthday Stream


We'll also do a reddit AMA. If you ever had a question about Parkitect or game development we'll try our best to answer it!

reddit AMA


Parkitect development in numbers

I always find statistics posts about projects interesting…
We’ve been working on this for almost 7 years now, so here’s a bunch of numbers about Parkitect!


Engine: Unity
Programming language: C#

Asset folder (the actual “content” of the game):
3.93 GB
Files: 35,944
Folders: 1,322

Total project folder (this includes Unity cache files etc):
Size: 21.6 GB
Files: 364,258
Folders: 2,837

Build duration (all supported platforms together): ~20 minutes (incremental build; a clean build would take 1-2 hours)


Type: Git
Size: 3.5 GB
Branches: 90
Commits: 13,778 (a “commit” is a change to the game, like for example the addition of a new feature or a bug fix. It can be anything from a single number being changed in the code to the addition of hundreds of new sound files in one go)

Here’s a visualization of all the file changes made during development.
Every dot represents a file in the project. A file getting zapped represents a change to that file. Every branch represents a folder in the project (with the folder name being shown as text).
The legend on the left side explains what the colors mean, and how many files of a certain type there are in the project.
The most important file types are:

cs: C# source code file
prefab/asset: Unity data files
fbx: 3D model
wav/ogg: Audio files

We moved the repository in 2017 which messes up the visualization a bit.

File changes by release:
Multiplayer: 7,230
Taste of Adventure: 6,404
Booms & Blooms: 5,117


This only includes our own code, not engine or other third-party code

Size: 7.44 MB
Files: 2,112
Folders: 138
Lines: 241,156

Biggest files (Top 5):
Park.cs (3,737 Lines, contains a bunch of data + methods related to stuff belonging to the park)
2.: MultiplayerController.cs (2,946 Lines, base class for multiplayer related code)
3.: TrackBuilder.cs (2,461 Lines, handles most of the track building UI)
4.: TrackSegment.cs (2,335 Lines, contains methods for positioning trains and connecting multiple segments to a full track)
5.: Attraction.cs (2,192 Lines, base class for handling user interactions when building things in the game)

Lines of code by topic (Top 4):
1.: Attractions (40,828 Lines)
2.: UI (35,915 Lines)
3.: People AI (13,607 Lines)
4.: Multiplayer (11,123 Lines)


3D models:
Size: 221.49 MB
Files: 2,276

Size: 227.07 MB
Files: 961


Sound files:
Size: 2.52 GB
Files: 4,789


Updates released on Steam: 533 (in addition to the regular monthly updates we like to patch immediately if there’s anything that might be inconvenient for players. There’s also many non-public updates though for testers)